Hyper Stocks is a disruptive trading community that is designed to outperform the average portfolio return by taking on strongly positive ratio set ups. Our members receive CLEAR communication throughout the day and our entry/exit points are transparent. Our chats are active from market open to market close, and evening hours are used for educational charts. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, our community is designed to pass on a working method to better your trading career overall.
How much money do I need to get started?
You can start with as little as $100.00 in your account. We take pride in helping the small accounts by providing both high and low cost stocks to enter for profit so whether the size of your account is big or small, we'll still look out for you.
Are you a day trading or swing trading community?
We have three types of set ups:
1. Day trades - buy and sell the same day
2. Swing trades - typically a 2-5 day hold
3. Position trades - typically a 1-2 week hold
How are the set ups sent?
Apart from our weekly watchlist that's sent on Sundays, which includes 8-10 stock set ups, we also have a chat dedicated for additional set ups through the week. As opportunities arise, we post the full set up in the chat, including: entry, exit, and stop loss points.