Weekly Watchlist 09.12.2022
Our full watchlist is exclusive for our premium members. Click the link below to join our community. https://hyperstocks.org/products/hyper-chat?variant=36739434315939 THESE SET UPS ARE NOT LIMITED TO THIS WEEK, SOME MAY TAKE LONGER TO COME AROUND. ------------------------------------- AAL Bullish above: 14.55 Bullish price target: 15.00-15.15 Second bullish PT: 15.50-15.70 Bearish below: 14.00 Bearish price target: 13.00-13.20 Current trend: bullish ------------------------------------- Our full watchlist is exclusive for our premium members. Click the link below to join our community. https://hyperstocks.org/products/hyper-chat?variant=36739434315939 THESE SET UPS ARE NOT LIMITED TO THIS WEEK, SOME MAY TAKE LONGER TO COME AROUND. ------------------------------------- COST Bullish above: 538.06 Bullish price target: 545.00-546.00 Bearish below: 529.53 Bearish price target: 521.50-522.00 Current trend: bullish ------------------------------------- Our full watchlist is exclusive for our premium...