The Hyper Team
Q. Ali / Founder:
My name is Qutaiba “Q.” Ali and my passion is the stock market. I discovered the trading and investing world while working a full time job at a Fortune 500 company. I was fresh out of college and ready to embark on my career and go to law school, but the stock market called my name and took me in another direction. I’ve been trading and investing for nearly a decade now and I wouldn’t trade the lifestyle it has privileged me with for any other career. The freedom and ability to work from anywhere and only for a few hours a day is a luxury that I've always sought after, trading and investing is a sure way to get to that level.
Why Hyper Stocks?
Trading and investing alone was fun, but unfulfilling and lonely. Trading in the Hyper Chat has boosted my overall performance and has given me a community of amazing people that I teach and learn from everyday. Exchanging ideas and seeing what other traders are doing provides priceless value. I’m on a mission to provide as many traders as I can with the education and analysis they need to improve their chances of beating the market.
Dave C. / Hyper Wealth Leader
My name is Dave, and I am a man of many hats here in the HyperStocks family. I share the helm with Trevor, the other Moderator and Admin of our newest investment community, HyperWealth. Aside from holding that moniker, I am so humbled to be the Director of Education and Research for all of our communities. I am also finishing my 21st year as a public school educator, my primary career. I entered the equities trading world a few years before I became a teacher through my work for the subsidiary of a top 30 institutional OTC and Listed equities trading firm in New York City.
It was this immersion into the fast-paced world of institutional equities trading that etched in me much of the fundamentals of trading and later, investing and portfolio development and management. Although my career took a pathway away from The Street and into education, I never took my finger off Wall Street's pulse, and was fortunate enough to be able to bring so much of my Wall Street experiences into the classroom, where I was able to expand my understanding and knowledge of the markets.
When the pandemic hit, like so many others, I found myself laser focused on what we were all witnessing happening in the world. As we all sat there transfixed on our screens, I started to feel the passion for trading that had subsided, was reinvigorated when I was fortunate to discover the wonderful people in the HyperStocks Family of Communities.
Admittedly, I had been a bit detached from the newer trading platforms and algos, but within a short period of time and through the constant support of the fantastic and like-minded people in the community, I rediscovered my day-trading groove and eventually became an employee of the firm! Now, after nearly three years, I am so very lucky to have been given my own investment community to share in with my awesome investment partner, Trevor!
Trevor B. / Hyper Wealth Leader
My name is Trevor. I am the newest member of the team. You can find me along side my biggest fan DiscoDave, running the Hyper Wealth page. Many members of my family are investors. I knew growing up that's what I wanted to do eventually. I received a Bachelor's Degree in Fire Science, although I found out shortly after that the field is very competitive and not very lucrative. I knew I had to leave that behind and get my feet wet on wall street. Started trading in 2018 and got addicted immediately! I've been involved everyday since then.
Making money while you sleep is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. This is where my love for collecting dividend stocks comes from. My favorite metric is MACD and I love playing trends during different cycles of the market.
I'm here to guide you & remind you how important investing in yourself is. Because of this group, I was able to purchase my first home this year! My parent's generation wants to work until they die. I would like to retire at 40. Thats my motivation everyday.